
Violence means using force to hurt or control someone, or to break or damage something. Some people get very angry and lose control. They may throw things, punch a wall or hit someone. They may even be sorry afterwards. If you, a family member, or a friend has been slapped, hit or punched, or if you believe your behavior is abusive and/or violent, it is time to seek help.
There are a number of education programs that educate youth about HIV/AIDS and STD's.
The use of alcohol and other drugs by youth is a serious problem in our society. See the attached numbers if you or someone you know needs help dealing with their drug or alcohol problem.
There are numerous resources available for obtaining information about basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) in Monroe County. For information on obtaining food stamps, referral to a food pantry/food distribution center, housing information, emergency shelters or other basic needs.
Bullying is unprovoked, repeated and aggressive actions or threats of action by one person or a group who have (or are perceived to have) more power or status than their victim in order to cause fear, distress or harm. Bullying is not a childhood rite of passage.
When someone close to you dies, you may be overwhelmed with feelings of anger, hurt, sadness and uncertainty. The problem of what to say and how to talk about your feelings is one of the most difficult that you can face. You may be afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.
There are many agencies that offer services to young people with disabilities and their families.
Information about eating disorders.
Information for tutoring assistance.
Environmental concern and caring can be a community and family effort in which everyone can join.
Monroe County offers a variety of health services for youth.
There are many trained mental health professionals who work with youth.
It is very important for a young woman to have someone to trust and offer support when she is facing the possibility of being pregnant. This may be a parent, a counselor, an adult friend or a peer. If a young woman thinks that she is pregnant, it is important to have a pregnancy test in a medical setting. The young woman may need to speak with someone who can support her to receive the medical attention she needs.
Rape and sexual assault are violent crimes against an individual. The rapist can be anyone - a neighbor, a date, a friend, a relative or a stranger.
The following is a list of resources to either refer the child or family to or contact them directly for assistance in enabling you to work with the child or family.
Contact information for LGBTQ Resources
If someone talks about suicide, take it seriously and call 911.
A number of agencies offer services especially for pregnant and/or parenting teens. Some of them are listed here. Education, medical care and counseling are among the services provided.
Involvement in community service has been found to have a variety of positive outcomes on young peoples development, including: academic improvement, commitment to service, problem-solving skills, increased social and psychological development, decreased problem behavior, leadership development, self-confidence, career exploration, and positive relationships with peers.
Voting is your right as a citizen of the United States by exercising your right to vote, you can support issues and ideas you believe in.
Developing capable youth, strong families and responsible communities require involving young people in every possible way in the programs, institions, neighborhoods and communities that impact their lives.
At times, everyone has strong, uncomfortable, or even angry feelings about things going on in their lives. When someone has a problem or is hurting, everyone in your family is affected. If you are worried about someone you care about, try talking with them or encouraging them to seek help.
Choosing safe and affordable childcare sets the stage for healthy growth and development in a child. Only parents know the best situation for their children. Asking the right questions, observing the caregivers in action, and checking references are only some of the steps to choosing care that is appropriate for the child. Whatever the setting, the key element is high quality care. The program should offer knowledgeable loving caregivers who understand and care about children, and who work with parents to offer the best possible care for each child.
The Rochester-Monroe County Youth Bureau has been the lead planner and founder for Runaway and Homeless Services in Monroe County since 1979. Through the continued commitment and collaboration of the Runaway and Homeless youth service provider agencies, our community offers a range of services to runaway and homeless youth which include crisis counseling, emergency shelter, on-going case management and transitional housing.

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