
At times, everyone has strong, uncomfortable, or even angry feelings about things going on in their lives. When someone in your family has a problem or is hurting, everyone in your family is affected. If you are worried about someone you care about, try talking with them or encouraging them to seek help..

You may want to explore the benefits of counseling if you see any of the following signs:

  • Sudden changes in mood or behavior.
  • Being unhappy for a long time.
  • Strong feelings of fear or nervousness.
  • Losing temper over small things.
  • Aches and pains that have no known physical cause.
  • Drop in grades.


Where do I find counseling?

For information or help, call: (agencies with a * charge a fee based on income)
Baden Street Settlement House                                                  325-8130
Dr. George Simmons Counseling and Support Center
Catholic Family Center, EAP and Counseling Program                546-3617
The Center for Youth                             271-7670 or 1-888-617-KIDS (5437)
DePaul- NCADD                                                                        426-8000
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley                                244-8640 x13
Greece Department of Human Services                                      723-2425
Henrietta Youth Bureau                                                              359-2540
Hillside Children’s Center, Crisis Counseling & Referral    256-7500 (24 hours)
IBERO Family Support Unit                                                        256-8900
*Jewish Family Service of Rochester                                          461-0110
Monroe County Fire Bureau                                                        753-3750
--Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Program (education, assessment and
referral for youth who engage in fireplay or firesetting)
*Oak Orchard Community Health Center                          637-3905
Pathways to Peace, (City of Rochester)                                      428-6339
Pittsford Youth Services                                                                        248-6299
Puerto Rican Youth Development and Resource Center (PRYD) 232-1670
RPD Family and Victim Services/FACIT                                      428-6630
*Threshold Center for Alternative Youth Services, Inc.                 454-7530
Urban League of Rochester- Family and Children Services          325-6530

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