Refugee/Immigrant Resources

The following is a list of resources to either refer the child or family to or contact them directly for assistance in enabling you to work with the child or family.

Catholic Family Center’s Refugee Assistance Project                  546-7220
--Program services primarily targeted to refugees/asylees. Language resources are not available for all situations; however, please contact them and they will meet your needs or refer appropriately.
City School District, Family Learning Center                                262-8000
--This project provides bi-lingual counseling, support groups and English as a second language. They also assist with obtaining citizenship.
IBERO New Hispanic Arrivals Programs                                      256-8900
--Assistance for Hispanic Families who are new to the area.
Legal Aid Society, Youth Advocacy Program                             232-4090
--Assistance with school residency and enrollment.
Oak Orchard Community Health Center                                       637-3905
--Migrant & Seasonal Farm Worker Outreach Program (the program provides a range of services to migrant workers, including health care, in northern Monroe and Orleans Counties.
Unity Children’s Clothes Closet                                                  368-3080
--Clothing for children, call for information.

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